Monday, 22 March 2010


No matter what form our masks appear as; whether we disguise our guilt and fear behind a pious righteousness cloak, or blatant hate speech, both the problem and the solution are the same. There IS indeed a better way and that way is available to us all. All that is required is a little willingness ...



There is NOTHING that cannot be overcome. There are NO prison walls that cannot be simply dissolved. 






Saturday, 20 March 2010

~The Interview with God~/Musings from Kate ...

Kate's (Facebook) musings ...


"Am I the only one who's traded in the altar for a stage?" ~ from a song by Casting Crowns.


What is the ALTAR? It is who we truly are ... who we were created to be.


What is the STAGE? It is who we've become thru insisting on an identity
of our own making. It's our seeming experiences, our perceptions and
reactions to those experiencess, our beliefs and our assumptions ... and
the list goes on ...


What is so scary about leaving the stage? On some level we believe it
means certain death but instead, it is the way to LIFE.


There is NOTHING wrong with who we truly are. God doesn't make mistakes
... but we do. 


Nothing is unforgivable ... nothing unreal lasts forever.



KATE: What do people think of this? ... 


In order to have the atonement and the Peace of God, we must forgive EVERYONE. Holding a grievance toward even ONE person will keep us in our own seeming separate world and in pain. We must hand all our perceived grievances over and let them go. Huh? Just a thought ...


CHRIS replies: It is not any easy thing to do especially if you were the one who was wronged. (-:


KATE: Ah yes, but what can we ever really do about it? If we continue to hold a grievance, what does that really acheive? We can take people to court, confront them, even beat the crap out of them, but where does that get us spiritually and emotionally?


What about handing the person/issue over to God, Holy Spirit, or whoever we feel is appropriate? Trick is, to be able to do that without needing to believe they will "get their just desserts". We need to trust that Higher Power knows what is best for them, not us.


Seems like a weight off the shoulders perhaps?! I think we have to come to that point in ourselves, in our own time. We have to let go of our sense of "identity", which most of us cling to for all we are worth, believing that death is the alternative. Truth is, by holding grievances we are choosing death, in fact, for grievances will inevitably manifest in such things as addictions and poor physical health, to name a couple....


I think I'm starting to get it-??!! So long as we hold a grievance of any kind toward anyone, we are bonded with that person in the most consuming and unhealthy way, tho we may try to kid ourselves otherwise, even using "spiritual rituals" etc. etc.


Wow, never underestimate the power of BELIEF ... be it for God or for ego!!!


Do the unthinkable, lol ... CHOOSE LIFE!!! ♥




Hi folks! I had what I have come to believe was a brief spiritual awakening when I was about 21 or so. I have also met other folk who have had similar experiences, one in particular also describing the experience as "ordinary".

In a nutshell, it was like going from hell to heaven, then back to hell. Heaven was the experience of awakening. I would describe it as so very, very ordinary. There was no pain, no suffering, no confusion - only love, joy, peace and certainty. My only immediate desire, at that point, was to share the experience with those around me at the time.

However, as I said, it was awesome, but so very ordinary - very "normal". So much so that I quickly chose to buy into what I perceived as happening outside of me, (i.e. some people DID NOT want to hear my revelations, lol!) and I ended up right back where I'd been ... even worse! I gave in to temptation as quickly as I had surrendered to Truth.

What I am trying to say is ... an ordinary day is indeed a good one! I believe that is why we end up in such pain ... the temptation to believe there's something better, something more exciting "out there" - not being simply contented with who we are and where we are at.

One of my biggest temptations has been in how to react to "abuse" and "injustice". We always have a choice but mostly seem to want to carry on hurting ourselves. For some of us, it sure seems like a huge obstacle to overcome.

I've always felt I'm an addict, tho I have no obvious addictions ... oh except maybe food ... yes food. But ... my real addiction is to guilt and fear, to pain and suffering.

I think, just maybe, this sums up the ultimate challenge of the human condition?

Friday, 19 March 2010

♥~*♥~*♥ Give Love ♥*~ ♥*~ ♥

MC Yogi - Give Love (Giving4Living Mix) from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Hush little darlin’ don’t you cry
Every little thing’s gonna be alright
Don’t worry, don’t be afraid
Every little thing’s gonna be okay

Open up your heart, unlock the cage
Turn the key and break the chains
Love will always find a way
If you want love you gotta give love away

Give love, give your love away
Give love, don't be afraid
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, it'll be ok
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, give your love away

Love is life and life is living
Living is love and love is giving
When we live for love, it gives life meaning
When we live to give love there’s no greater feeling
This feeling of kindness and love’s inside us
Nobody can sell this or try to buy this
‘Cause love is priceless and it guides us
Lifts us up and ignites us
Love can wind us and remind us
Love has no limit ‘cause love is timeless
Hate and fear will try to blind us
But love unites us, nobody can fight this
‘Cause love is righteous and it might just
Save the whole world from this global crisis
Throw your hands up if you know what the time is
Open up your heart and let it shine the brightest!

Give love, give your love away
Give love, don't be afraid
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, it'll be ok
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, give your love away

I believe the very best philosophy
Is when we live to give love with generosity
Give it consciously and constantly
When we all give love there’s no stopping we
Just open up the door and let your love pour
When you open up to love you can never be poor
'Coz there’s always more inside the core
Way more in store than you could bargain for
And isn’t livin’ life for us to share?
Just throw yo’ hands up in the air
Wave ‘em all around the atmosphere
Show the whole world how much you care
We gotta give everybody love and respect
‘Cause what we give is what we get
C’mon always remember, never forget
What we give is what we get

Give love, give your love away
Give love, don't be afraid
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, it'll be ok
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away
Give love, give your love away now
Give love, give your love away ...

Friday, 5 March 2010


If you think you are beaten, You are;
If you think
you dare not,
You don't;
If you'd Like to win,
But think you can't,
It's almost a cinch You won't.

If you think you'll lose
you're lost;
For out in the world we find success
begins with a person's faith;
It's all in the state of the mind.

Life's Battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster hand;
they go to the one who trusts in
themselves and always thinks

Author Unknown

(Thank you Debbie P! )

Monday, 1 March 2010

~Simple Concept~

Every once in a while, a seemingly-simple email comes around that ends up being quite profound.  This is one of them.


We complain about the cross we bear but don't
realize it is preparing us for the dip in the road
that God can see and we cannot.
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....

Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....

He knows every heartache, sees every tear 
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...

Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...

The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love.  

May God fill your day with blessings!! 

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is
fighting some kind of battle!
God Bless You today and always!

~ by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are POWERFUL beyond measure.

It is our LIGHT, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be BRILLIANT, GORGEOUS, TALENTED, FABULOUS?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a CHILD of GOD. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing ENLIGHTENED about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to SHINE, as children do.

We were born to make MANIFEST the GLORY of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in EVERYONE.

And as we let our own LIGHT shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."